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Tap to Donate: Supporting Homelessness in Milton Keynes Made Easier


Since 2019, Milton Keynes residents and visitors have had a seamless way to support homelessness initiatives. The 9 Tap to Donate machines, positioned at key locations across Milton Keynes City Centre, provide a quick and secure method to contribute to a dedicated fund tackling homelessness in the community.

MyMiltonKeynes Team with Jake Geelan from Milton Keynes Community Foundation
MyMiltonKeynes Team with Jake Geelan from Milton Keynes Community Foundation

Each tap of your contactless card donates £3 to the fund, which is managed by the Milton Keynes Community Foundation. This ensures that every penny goes directly to organisations and projects working to make a difference for people facing homelessness in our community. Charities and not-for-profit organisations can apply for funding to deliver vital services, from emergency shelter to long-term support initiatives.

So far, £26,000 has been raised through these strategically placed Tap to Donate machines, making a significant impact on the lives of those in need.

But it doesn’t stop there! Donations can now also be made online through the Milton Keynes Community Foundation website, making it even easier to support those in need.

“The Tap to Donate initiative has been a fantastic way to help those most in need in Milton Keynes,” said a representative from MyMiltonKeynes. “With the addition of online donations, we’re excited to provide even more ways for people to make a meaningful impact on their community.”

Look out for the Tap to Donate machines around the city and visit the MK Community Foundation website to learn more or donate online. Together, we can help support projects that provide safety, dignity, and hope to those experiencing homelessness.


List of Tap to Donate machine locations:

1.      John Lewis (customer collection door)

2.      Milton Keynes Train Station

3.      Marks & Spencer (food department door)

4.      Midsummer Place (close to Leon)

5.      Midsummer Place (close to Zara)

6.      Leonardo’s window

7.      Holiday Inn Entrance

8.      Centre:mk (outside the main M&S doorway)

9.      Xscape (outside Slim Chickens)

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Sovereign Court
215 Witan Gate
Milton Keynes



01908 395099

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