Milton Keynes

Business Crime Partnership

Business Crime Partnership

The Business Crime Partnership (BCP) has been launched to bring businesses together so they can share information about potential offenders in a safe space, with like-minded professionals. BCP uses the DISC online management tool to store restricted information on individuals to help reduce a range of issues.

  • 50 members are currently signed up to BCP
  • 100 banned or unwanted individuals currently on the system
  • Key driver of Barwatch in the area
  • Uses the DISC online management tool


A number of city businesses have signed up to be a part of the Milton Keynes Business Crime Partnership System. It was launched so that businesses in the BID area could share important information about current and potential offenders in a secure environment. Using the DISC online management tool, restricted information on certain individuals can be used to help reduce stock loss, ASB incidents and lower overall crime in the city. To date there are 100 banned or unwanted people registered on the system. By the end of 2023, the BID will have 100 business members on the scheme.

What we achieved

  • 2 officers were provided by the BID through Thames Valley Police and are ringfenced to the BID area, providing 4000 hours per year patrolling, tackling ASB and illegal begging issues.
  • In total the officers have issued 179 verbal warnings to professional beggars, 15 warning letters to prolific offenders and 6 Community Protection Notices to prevent their activity in the city.
  • The new Milton Keynes Business Crime Partnership has been launched to enhance the security of the area and currently has nearly 50 members and 95 banned or unwanted patrons recorded on the system to advise businesses on threats to their staff and stock.
  • The BID has partnered with the City Council to improve the security infrastructure of the City by introducing additional CCTV cameras into the BID area, 11 cameras in total have been installed and the locations were researched by the BID Ambassador team and cross checked with TVP.
  • 2 new trained BID Ambassadors were introduced to provide around 4000 hours of patrolling per year with support, wayfinding, engagement and information sharing for BID businesses.
  • The BID ambassadors provide and have helped engage the street population, repatriate rough sleepers and monitor professional beggars who are exploiting visitor generosity.
  • Produced the Business Continuity Plan which is available to all and contains specific instructions and guidance on how to tackle threats and impact of a major incident on the businesses.
  • £75,000 was invested in the new YMCA development, which is the first step to getting a young person off the streets. In addition, we’ve partnered with YMCA Milton Keynes to employ some of its residents within our landscaping team.
  • The BID has forged a multi-agency approach to rough sleeping liaising with homeless charities, MK homeless partnership and has raised £13,000 for MK food bank and reduced number of tents in CMK from over 100 to 1.


Extra police patrol hours per year.


BID funded police officers


Additional CCTV cameras supplied


£75,000 was invested in the new YMCA development


£13,000 for MK food bank


Reduced number of tents in CMK from over 100 to 1

Where does this go

Other ways we are making our city safe

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